Svetska misterija: Tajni DNK otkriven? | World mystery: Secret DNA discovered? | Srpska verzija & English version
- Ljudi različitim putevima dolaze do spoznaja o postojanju globalne zavere. Neki počinju tako što istražuju legalizovanu korupciju i krađu orkestriranu kroz bankarski sistem i onda, nastavivši dalje, shvate da je to samo jedna nit džinovske zavere koja prožima sva područja ljudskog života.
Drugi do tih spoznaja dođu istražujući zataškavanje informacija o vanzemaljcima i NLO-ima ili korupciju u vlasti, prodaju oružja, dugove 'trećeg sveta' i aktivnosti multinacionalnih kompanija koje dovode do smrti, gladi i patnji u Africi, Centralnoj i Južnoj Americi idrugde. Ukoliko se u bilo koje od ovih istraživanja upustite dovoljno duboko i otvorenog uma, to će vas neminovno dovesti do toga da otkrijete da postoji ogromna paukova mreža međusobno povezanih i koordinisanih manipulacija, masovnih ubistava i korupcije. Zašto se sva alternativna objašnjenja toga ko smo i koji je smisao našeg života guše, dok se verzijama koje iznose 'nauka' i religija daje potpuna sloboda izražavanja. Postoje tumačenja koja pobijaju objašnjenja 'nauke' i religije a koja imaju mnogo više smisla kad se radi o razrešavanju 'tajni' života. Zašto te informacije nisu dostupne deci i studentima u školama i na fakultetima? Gde su televizijske emisije o tim temama? Zašto svako ko o tome progovori biva izvrgnut podsmehu 'nauke' i osudi 'religije'? Jedan drugačiji svet počeo je da se pomalja kada se shvti da je zataškavanje prave prirode našeg postojanja deo – i to temeljni deo – globalne zavere koja ima neverovatne i zapanjujuće razmere.
Zaveru da se stvori centralizovana globalna fašistička država orkestrirala je u 'svetu pet čula' tajna mreža poznata kao 'Iluminati' ili 'Prosvetljeni'. Oni manipulišu svime preko svojih tajnih društava i udruženja kao što su različite masonske lože, 'Malteški vitezovi', vitezovi templari, jezuiti i drugi. Ova i druga društva opskrbljuju Iluminate pažljivo izabranim ljudima koje oni onda postavljaju na pozicije moći u celom svetu. Nisu svi članovi tajnih društavasvesni postojanja zavere, čak naprotiv – najveći deo njih nije. Iluminati funkcionišu kao rak u organizmu: neopaženo se uvuku i krišom nadziru druge organizacije. Većina slobodnih zidara nikada ne napreduje dalje od nivoa tri najniža stepena, odnosno takozvanog plavog stepena, i pri tom ne shvataju u koje se svrhe njihova organizacija koristi. To je potvrdio i Albert Pajk, jedna od najistaknutijih ličnosti u svetu masonerije, koji je umro 1891. godine. Među njegovim titulama bile su i titule 'Suvereni veliki imperator Vrhovnog saveta 33. stepena' i 'Vrhovni sveštenik univerzalne masonerije'. U svojoj knjizi 'Moral i dogma', napisanoj za slobodne zidare višeg ranga, Albert Pajk je otkrio načine na koje se članovima na nižim nivoima namerno usađuju pogrešna uverenja: Plavi stepeni nisu ništa drugo do spoljašnje dvoriše, odnosno trem Hrama. Inicijantu se otkriva jedan deo simbola, ali se on pri tom lažnim tumačenjima namerno navodi na pogrešo mišljenje. Naša namera i nije da ih on razume, već da samo veruje da ih razume. njihov stvarni dublji smisao rezervisan je samo za adepte, prinčeve masonerije. Zapravo, događa se da čak i većina onih koji dospeju do naizgled najvišeg stepena, kao što je, recimo, 33. stepen 'Škotskog obreda', znaju relativno malo ako ne pripadaju 'izabranima'. Samo nekolicina njih i to isključivo onih koji potiču iz određenih krvnih loza i njihovih ogranaka, mogu da napreduje do vrha tajnog društva kojem pripadaju i tako ulaze u najviše nivoe Iluminata koji se nalaze na samom vrhu svega. Moje je mišljenje da nekih 95 odsto slobodnih zidara nije ni svesno da ti stepeni uopšte postoje, a kamoli toga ko im pripada i šta se tamo dešava. Ovim običnim operativcima Iluminata manipuliše se tako što se oni postavljaju na pozicije od uticaja i moći s ciljem da se sprovede plan globalne dominacije. Zaista je neverovatno koliko vam je malo ljudi potrebno da biste uspostavili neposrednu kontrolu koja vam omogućava da svoj plan nametnete celom sistemu. To možete postići ako se ti ljudi nalaze:
- ■ na ključnim pozicijama na kojima donose odluke
- ■ ako imaju moć da postavljaju na ključne pozicije ljude koji se nalaze ispod njih.
- Čim imate kontrolu nad čovekom koji je najviši po rangu u nekoj organizaciji, piramida je sagrađena. Sve vlade sveta se 'stvaraju' na ovaj način, kao i 'bezbednosne' organizacije kao što su FBI, CIA, Britanske obaveštajne službe itd. Iluminati žele da stvore svetsku vladu, vojsku, centralnu banku i valutu pomoću kojih će upravljati čipovanim stanovništvom. Svetska vlada bi trebalo da donosi sve najvažnije političke, finansijske i vojne odluke i da svakoj zemlji nametne njihovo sprovođenje. Danas smo svedoci stvaranja te strukture kroz diktaturu Ujedinjenih nacija, a Sjedinjene Američke Države su najvažniji nosilac ovog globalnog podjarmljivanja. Takozvani 'rat protiv terorizma' isfabrikovan je kao izgovor za napad na bilo koju zemlju da požele, tako što je najpre demonizuju uz pomoć svojih sredstava informisanja. To nosi sa sobom i smanjenje trgovinskih barijera da bi se iluminatskim multinacionalnim kompanijama omogućilo da svoju robu proizvode u najsiromašnijim zemljama sveta u kojima radnicima isplaćujući najniže moguće nadnice i da onda tu robu otpremaju na 'bogati' Zapad i prodaju je uz sramotno veliki profit.
Trag Iluminata može se slediti hiljadama godina unazad, sve do Sumera, Vavilona, Egipta, pa i dalje, sve do onoga što nazivamo 'predistorijom'. Iluminati su vekovima neprekidno radili na centralizaciji moći i na ostvarivanju svog 'velikog dela' – globalne diktature. Iza naizgled slučajnih svetskih događaja uvek je zapravo stajala tajna iluminatska mreža koju su stvorile drevnemeđusobno povezane krvne loze i njihovi ogranci, koje danas predvodi trinaestak elitnih porodica zasnovanih na DNK hijerarhiji. Tu spadaju porodice Rotšild, Rokfeler, kao i kuće Lorena, Habzburg i Turn i Taksis, kao i neke koje su mnogo manje poznate široj javnosti. Članovi ovih porodica koje kontrolišu sistem koji kontroliše svet imaju DNK koja se razlikuje od one ostatka čovečanstva. DNK je nacrt naših fizičkih karakteristika, ali i mnogo više od toga. Upravo je ta razlika u DNK dovela do nastanka tvrdnji kraljevskih krvnih loza širom sveta o njihovom 'božanskom pravu' da vladaju. 'Božansko pravo' je, u stvari, pravo da se vlada zahvaljujući svojoj DNK. U Velikoj Britaniji i danas imamo poglavara na čelu države – kraljicu Elizabetu II – koja se na tom položaju nalazi isključivo zahvaljujući svojoj DNK, kao i celu hijerarhiju porodica koje su u srodstvu kako sa kraljicom, tako i međusobno. Sve se zasniva na njihovoj genetici 'Božansko' pravo na vladavinu nema nikakve veze sa 'božanskim', već je povezano sa stvarnim poreklom tih krvnih loza. Oni tvrde da potiču od 'bogova drevnog sveta', a o tome ko su bili ti 'bogovi' biće govora nešto kasnije. Ove 'kraljevske' porodice su se neprestano međusobno ukrštale još od drevnih vremena u nastojanju da sačuvaju svoju DNK. Ono što je zanimljivo naglasiti je da iluminatske porodice čine to isto i danas. Zašto? Zato što su svi oni pripadnici iste krvne loze. 'Božanske' krvne loze iz drevnog Sumera i Vavilona (današnji Irak), Egipta, doline Inda i drugih delova sveta rasprostrle su se po Evropi, postavši kraljevske i aristokratske porodice koje su vladale tim kontinentom i najvećim delom ostatka sveta preko Britanskog carstva, kao i Francuske, Belgije, Holandije, Nemačke i drugih najjačih država Evrope. Kad su ljudi počeli da pružaju otpor i da odbijaju otvorenu diktaturu kraljevske vlasti, krvne loze počele su da deluju krišom i u tajnosti. Neki istraživači govore o jednoj 'kraljevskoj' lozi, potekloj iz jednog mesta – drevnog Egipta. Ne slažem se s tim. Nema nikakve sumnje da je Egipat za Iluminate od ogromne važnosti, ali oni su bili prisutni i u drugim delovima sveta. Kretali su se u svim pravcima i međusobno se povezivali sklapanjem brakova s drugim granama istog porekla. Egipat, Sumer, Vavilon, Azija i Kina su područja na kojima je potekao najveći deo iluminatskih krvnih loza, ali oni ne pripadaju ni jednoj rasi na Zemlji. Iako je u zvaničnoj istoriji pažnja usmerena na muškarce kao glavne nosioce vlasti i moći, u ovim krvnim lozama njihova specifična DNK koja se prenosi vekovima ide preko žena i njihovo genetsko nasleđe prenosi se uz pomoć takozvane mitohondrijske DNK. Članovi ovih drevnih krvnih loza postajali su i postaju i danas predsednici država i premijeri i nalaze se na čelu najvažnijih bankarskih i ostalih institucija i organizacija.
Uzmimo za primer Sjedinjene Američke Države i predsednike ove države. Danas tu živi više od 280 miliona ljudi, a od vremena kada je slobodni zidar Džordž Vašington 1789. godine inaugurisan za prvog predsednika SAD živelo ih je još mnogo stotina miliona. Američka nacija stvorena je od vrlo različitog genetskog materijala iz celog sveta. Ako je to zaista 'zemlja slobodnih' u kojoj –kako se tvrdi – svako može da postane predsednik, bilo bi za očekivati da američki predsednici predstavljaju otelotvorenje te genetske raznolikosti. Kako da ne! Predsednici Sjedinjenih Američkih Država su pripadnici kraljevskih porodica isto kao i u Evropi, odakle njihove loze potiču. Od dosadašnja 44 predsednika, njih 34 genetski se mogu povezati sa Karlom Velikim (742–814), pripadnikom iluminatske loze i najpoznatijim vladarem države koju danas nazivamo Francuska. On je bio vođa Franaka i car Svetog rimskog carstva, iluminatske tvorevine koja je vekovima kontrolisala Evropu. Tako recimo, porodica Buš koja je dala dva američka predsednika, povezana je sa svim evropskim monarsima – bili oni na prestolu ili ne – i u krvnom je srodstvu sa svim pripadnicima britanske kraljevske porodice. Jedan od brojnih genealoških izvora koji bacaju svetlost na ovo 'kraljevsko poreklo' američkih predsednika je takozvana Burkova knjiga plemstva (Burke’s Peerage), koja se bavi genealogijom kraljevskih porodica i aristokratije. Godine 1996, tokom kampanje za izbor predsednika u kojoj su učestvovali Bil Klinton i Bob Dol, objavljeno je da je na svim predsedničkim izborima u istoriji SAD pobeđivao kandidat koji je imao najviše 'kraljevskih' gena. Klinton koji je pobedio Dola, kao i protivzakoniti izbor džordža Buša umesto Ala Gora 2000. godine, predstavljaju samo nastavak tog niza. U saopštenju datom agenciji Rojters 17. oktobra 2000. godine, predstavnik Burkove knjige plemstva potvrdio je da Buš i Gor poseduju 'neuobičajeno' veliki broj ovih veza, ali da su one Bušove važnije. Buš je krvlju povezan sa svim evropskim monarsima – bilo da se nalaze na prestolu ili ne – i nalazi se u krvnom srodstvu sa svim pripadnicima britanske kraljevske porodice. Geri Bojd Roberts iz genealoškog društva 'Nova Engleska' iz Bostona jedan je od najistaknutijih autoriteta na području kraljevskog porekla američkih predsednika i on je potvrdio da je Džordž Buš u srodstvu sa britanskom kraljevskom porodicom, i da to seže sve do džII veka i kralja Henrija I, sina Vilijama Osvajača. Vilijam je bio taj koji je, došavši iz Francuske, osvojio Britaniju, pobedivši 1066. godine u bici kod Hastingsa. Boreći se na njegovoj strani, posebno su se istakli pripadnici porodice Sen Kler– značajne iluminatske krvne loze – i to njen deo koji se posle preselio u Škotsku, gde su postali poznati kao Sinkler, sa sedištem u Roslinu u blizini Edinburga. Porodice Sen Kler i Sinkler bile su glavni igrači u stvaranju tajnog društva vitezova templara, jedne od najuticajnijih tvorevina Iluminata tokom gotovo hiljadu godina. Porodica Buš vodi poreklo iz moćne porodice Persi iz Engleske, koja je, pobegavši u Ameriku zbog upletenosti u propalu zaveru pod nazivom Barut uz 1605. godine čiji je cilj bio dizanje u vazduh zgrade Parlamenta, promenila svoje prezime u Pirs. džordž Buš, kao i njegova supruga Barbara, potiču iz loze Pirs. Zaveru Barut organizovali su jezuiti, tajno društvo koje kontroliše Rimokatoličku crkvu i predstavlja jedno od najmoćnijih oruđa Iluminata sve do današnjih dana.
stvorio se utisak da su te kolonije – obe Amerike, Afrika, Azija i Australija – stekle 'nezavisnost', ali, nisu. Umesto toga, iluminatske krvne loze samo su zamenile otvorenu kontrolu daleko efikasnijom prikrivenom kontrolom – manipulacijom događajima uz pomoć 'skrivene ruke' za koju javnost nema pojma da postoji. I dok su imperije bile prividno demontirane, Iluminati su u svojim 'bivšim' kolonijama, uključujući Sjedinjene Američke Države, ostavili krvne loze i mrežu tajnih društava kroz koju i danas deluju.
- People different ways we come to know of the existence of a global conspiracy. Some begin by investigating the legalized corruption and theft orchestrated through the banking system and then went one further, they realize that this is just one strand of a giant conspiracy that permeates all areas of human life.
Others come to this knowledge by exploring the suppression of information about aliens and UFOs, or the corruption of governments, arms sales, the debts of the Third World and the activities of multinational companies that lead to death, hunger and suffering in Africa, Central and South America and elsewhere. If you are in any of these investigations far enough, and with an open mind, it will inevitably lead to discover that there is a huge spider web of interconnected and coordinated manipulation, mass murder and corruption. Why are all alternative explanations of who we are and what is the meaning of our lives are suffocating, while the versions presented by 'science' and religion gives complete freedom of expression. There are interpretations that defy explanation 'science' and religion and made far more sense when it comes to solving the 'mysteries' of life. Why this information is not accessible to children and students in schools and colleges? Where are TV shows about these topics? Why does everyone talk about it are subjected to ridicule 'science' and condemn 'religion'? A different world began to emerge when shvti to the disguise of the true nature of our being part of - and this is a fundamental part - a global conspiracy that has an amazing and astonishing proportions.
- Enlightened
Conspiracy to create a centralized global fascist state is orchestrated in the 'world of the five senses' secret network known as the Illuminati or 'Enlightened One'. They manipulate everything through their secret societies and associations such as the various Masonic lodges, 'Knights of Malta', Knights Templar, Jesuits and others. These and other companies supplying the Illuminati carefully selected people, which they then placed into positions of power throughout the world. Not all members of secret societies aware of the existence of a conspiracy, quite the opposite - most of them not. The Illuminati operate like a cancer in the body: the undetected sneak secretly monitor other organizations. Most Freemasons never progress beyond the level of the lowest three degrees, or so-called blue degree, and at the same time do not realize that in their organization uses. This is confirmed by Albert Pike, one of the most prominent figures in the world of Freemasonry, who died in 1891. Among his titles were the title "Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree 'and' High Priest of universal Freemasonry. In his book 'Morals and Dogma', written for higher-ranking Freemasons, Albert Pike revealed the ways in which members of the lower levels deliberately inculcated false beliefs: Blue degrees are but the outer courtyard or portico of the Temple. Initiates reveals a part of the symbol, or is he at the same time deliberately false interpretation leads to a mistake opinion. Our intention is not for him to understand, but just believe that they understand. their true implication is reserved only for adepts, the princes of Masonry. In fact, it happens that even most of those who reach the highest level apparently, like, say, level 33 'Scottish Rite', know relatively little if you do not belong to the 'Selected'. Only a few of them and only those from certain bloodlines and their offshoots, they can progress to the top of the secret society to which they belong and so enter into the highest levels of the Illuminati who are at the very top of everything. My opinion is that some 95 percent of Masons are not even aware that these degrees exist at all, let alone as to who they belong to and what is going on there. This ordinary operatives Illuminati manipulated so that they are placed into positions of influence and power in order to implement the plan for global domination. It really is amazing how few people you need to establish immediate control that allows you to enforce your plan throughout the system. This can be achieved if these people are:
- ■ at key positions where decisions are made
- ■ if you have the power to appoint to key positions people who are below them.
As soon as you have control of the man who is most senior in an organization, the pyramid was built. All the governments of the world are 'created' in this way, as well as 'security' organizations like the FBI, CIA, British intelligence and so on. The Illuminati want to create a world government, army, central bank and currency with which to manage chipped population. World governments should take all major political, financial and military decisions and that each country enforce their implementation. Today we are witnessing the creation and structure of the dictatorship of the United Nations, and the United States are the main carrier of this global conquest. The so-called 'war against terrorism' is fabricated as an excuse to attack any country that they want, so what is the first demonize with the help of their media. It carries with it the reduction of trade barriers in order to enable the Illuminati multinationals to produce their products in the poorest countries of the world where workers paying the lowest possible wages and then shipping them to the 'rich' West and sale with the infamous big profits.
- Completely different DNA
The Illuminati can be followed back thousands of years to Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, and beyond, into what we call the 'prehistory'. The Illuminati have for centuries been working constantly to centralize global power and the exercise of his 'great work' - a global dictatorship. Behind the apparent randomness of world events has actually stood the Illuminati secret network created by the ancient inter-related bloodlines and their offshoots headed today by some thirteen elite families based on DNA hierarchy. These include the family Rothschild, Rockefeller, and home Lorena, Habsburg and Thurn and Taxis, as well as some that are less known to the general public. Members of these families that control system that controls the world have DNA that is different from that of the rest of mankind. DNA is the blueprint for our physical, but also much more than that. It is this difference in DNA led to the formation of the claims of royal bloodlines around the world about their 'divine right' to rule. 'Divine right' is, in fact, the right to rule by their DNA. In the UK today we have the head of the head of state - Queen Elizabeth II - who is in this position is solely due to their DNA, as well as the entire hierarchy of families that are related to the queen, and each other. It's all based on their genetics 'Divine' right to rule has nothing to do with the 'divine', but with the real origin of these bloodlines. They claim to be descended from the 'gods of the ancient world', and about who were these 'gods' will be explained a little later. These 'royal' families have constantly intersected with each other since ancient times in an effort to preserve their DNA. What is interesting to note that the Illuminati families are doing the same today. Why not? Because they are all the same bloodlines. 'Divine' bloodlines of ancient Sumer and Babylon (now Iraq), Egypt, the Indus Valley and other parts of the world are today scattered across Europe, the royal and aristocratic families that ruled that continent and for the most part the rest of the world through the British Empire, as well as France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and other powerful countries in Europe. When people started to resist and reject the open dictatorship of royal rule, the bloodline began to act secretly and in secret. Some researchers speak of a 'royal' bloodline originating from one place - ancient Egypt. I do not agree with that. There is no doubt that Egypt is the Illuminati of enormous importance, but they were present in other parts of the world. They moved in all directions and are mutually connected by intermarriage with other branches of the same origin. Egypt, Sumer, Babylon, Asia and China are areas where he is coming from the highest part of the Illuminati bloodlines, but they do not belong to any race on earth. Although the official history of the attention is focused on men as the main bearers of authority and power in these bloodlines their specific DNA that is passed centuries goes through women and their genetic heritage is transmitted by means of the so-called mitochondrial DNA. The members of these ancient bloodlines became more and become more, and today heads of state and prime ministers and are at the forefront of most important banking and other institutions and organizations.
- Royal line
Take for example the United States and the President of this country. Today there are more than 280 million people, and by the time the Freemason George Washington in 1789 inaugurated the first President of the United States were living them many hundreds of millions. The American nation was created by very different genetic materials from around the world. If this is indeed the "land of the free ', in which - it is claimed - anyone can become president, it would be expected that American presidents embody and genetic diversity. How could I not! The Presidents of the United States are members of the royal family as well as in Europe, where their grapes originate. From past president of 44, 34 may be genetically linked to Charlemagne (742-814), a member of the Illuminati bloodline and the most famous ruler of the country we now call France. He was the leader of the Franks and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Illuminati who for centuries controlled Europe. Thus, for example, the Bush family which has made two US president, is associated with all European monarchs - be they on the throne or not - kingship with all members of the British royal family. One of the many genealogical sources that shed light on this 'royal origin' of US president has called a book by Burke nobility (Burke's Peerage), dealing with the genealogy of the royal family and the aristocracy. In 1996, during the presidential election campaign with the participation of Bill Clinton and Bob Dole, it was reported that in every presidential election in US history, winning candidate who had the most 'royal' gene. Clinton, who defeated Dola, as well as illegal choice George Bush instead of Al Gore in 2000, representing just a continuation of that series. In a statement given to Reuters on October 17, 2000, Representative BURKE books nobility confirmed that Bush and Gore have the 'unusually' large number of these connections, but they are more important to Bush. Bush has the blood associated with all European monarchs - whether they are on the throne or not - and there is a blood relationship with all members of the British royal family. Gary Boyd Roberts from the genealogical society 'New England' Boston is one of the foremost authorities on the royal origin of US presidents, and he confirmed that George Bush is related to the British royal family, and that it dates back to the XIII century, King Henry I son of William the Conqueror. William was the one who, coming from France, Britain won, winning in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings. Struggling on his side, especially members of the family distinguished themselves Sen Kler- major Illuminati bloodlines - and that part of it which is then moved to Scotland, where they became known as Sinclair, headquartered in Roslin, near Edinburgh. Families and Sen. Claire Sinclair were major players in the creation of a secret society of the Knights Templar, one of the most influential creations of the Illuminati for almost a thousand years. Bush family is descended from the powerful Percy family of England, that is, escaped to America after their involvement in the failed plot called Gunpowder with 1605 whose aim was blowing up the Houses of Parliament, changed his last name to Pierce. George Bush and his wife Barbara, originating from the lineage of Pirs. Gunpowder conspiracy organized by the Jesuits, the secret society that controls the Roman Catholic Church and is one of the most powerful tools of the Illuminati to this day.
The hidden hand Bush is also related to the Anglo-American Grosvenor family from which they originated Duke of Westminster, in which the possession of a large part of the most valuable real estate in London, mainly in the London area City, the center of the global Illuminati. Similarly, elsewhere in the world. Kredo MUTV, supreme shaman and the official historian of the Zulu nation in Africa, told me that a very large number of African leaders who were placed in positions of power after the colonial masters gave the continent 'independence', comes from the bloodlines of African kings and queens who claimed to be descendants of the same 'gods' as their counterparts in Europe.This is so because the royal bloodlines and the Illuminati secret societies with which to manipulate the world were the force behind all great empires in history. In ancient times Sumer and Babylon were the main headquarters of the Illuminati in the land now called Iraq, but they and Egypt was of great importance. After Babylon, the Illuminati bloodline network moved its headquarters in Rome. It was during the Roman Empire and the creation of the church, or institutionalized Christianity. The Roman Catholic Church, which is controlled by a secret society of the Jesuits, and is now located in the heart of Illuminati operations. After the fall of the Roman Empire, 'operational' headquarters moved to northern Europe, and for some time was in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. It was at a time when the Netherlands began creating his empire through the Dutch East India Company, based in South Africa. In 1688, William of Orange - a member of one of the bloodlines - the Netherlands was invaded England, took over in 1689 the throne as William III. He ruled jointly with Queen Mary, and then by himself after her death in 1694. That year he issued a memorandum on the basis that created the Bank of England and thus began to form global banking system. Banking and fabricated bank debts has always been the main vehicles that are bloodlines to control humanity. At this time the bloodlines and their secret drušava moved their operational hubs of London and Ono, of course, followed, it was huge and powerful British Empire. However, it was not an empire 'British', but the Illuminati bloodlines settled in Britain. Further expansion of the British and other European empires to all parts of the world, iluminatsle bloodline 'exported' on all continents, including - what is now of paramount importance - North America. With the beginning of the decline and collapse of the European empires, especially in dždž century,
created the impression that these colonies - the Americas, Africa, Asia and Australia - have gained 'independence', but did not. Instead, the Illuminati bloodlines have just replaced the open control far more effective covert control - manipulation of events by the 'hidden hand' that the public has no idea it exists. While the empire was apparently dismantled, the Illuminati are in their 'former' colonies, including the United States, the bloodlines and the secret society network through which are still functioning today.
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