Српској јавности је мало познато, да је 8 јуна 2000 године у Атини извршена “смртна казна” над британским НАТО генералом Стивеном Саундерсом, аташеом британске амбасаде, у знак одмазде за НАТО бомбардовање Југославије 1999.
То је једина званично забележена “смртна казна” извршена на једним припадником НАТО снага због ратних злочина против СР Југославије (Србије). Одмазду је извршила легендарна грчка револуционарна група “Н17″, која је у Грчкој деловала у периоду од 30 година (1973- 2003) против “евроатлантских” (углавном британских и америчких) и турских “циљева”, и неколико “домаћих издајника”. У том временском размаку, Н17 је извршио 103 напада и ликвидирао 23 високопрофилних окупаторских званичника.
A list of 17N’s known murder and kidnapping victims Списак ликвидираних особа од стране револуционарне групе Н17:
Richard Welch, CIA station chief in Athens. (23 December 1975)
Evangelos Mallios, policeman who was accused of torturing political prisoners during the period of military junta. (14 December 1976)
Pantelis Petrou, deputy commander of the Greek police Riot Control Unit (M.A.T.) (16 January 1980)
Sotiris Stamoulis, driver of the above mentioned. (16 January 1980)
George Tsantes, a US Navy Captain, high level executive of JUSMAG (15 November 1983)
Nikos Veloutsos, driver of the above mentioned. (15 November 1983)
Robert Judd, Army Master Sergeant, Postal officer for JUSMAGG in Greece, wounded in an assassination attempt. (3 April 1984)
Christos Matis, police guard, killed in a bank robbery. (24 December 1984)
Nikos Momferatos, publisher of the “Apogevmatini” newspaper. (21 February 1985)
Georgios Roussetis, driver of above mentioned. (21 February 1985)
Nikolaos Georgakopoulos, riot policeman, killed in bus bombing. (26 November 1985)
Dimitrios Aggelopoulos, President of the board of Halyvourgiki S.A.. (8 April 1986)
Zacharias Kapsalakis, doctor and clinic owner, shot in the legs. (4 February 1987)
Alexander Athanasiadis, industrialist. (1 March 1988)
William Nordeen, a US Navy Captain, killed by a car bomb. (23 June 1988)
Constantinos Androulidakis, a public prosecutor, is shot in both legs and dies slowly of complications. (10 January 1989)
Panayiotis Tarasouleas, also a public prosecutor, is shot in both legs. (18 January 1989)
Giorgos Petsos, PASOK MP and Minister, is injured in his car by a car bomb. (8 May 1989)
Pavlos Bakoyannis, New Democracy MP (26 September 1989)
Ronald O. Stewart,a US Air Force Sergeant, killed by a bomb. (13 March 1991)
Deniz Bulukbasi,Turkish Chargé d’Affaires, is injured by a car bomb. (16 July 1991)
Çetin Görgü, Turkish Press attaché (7 October 1991)
Yiannis Varis, a police officer, is killed in a missile and hand grenade attack against a riot squad bus (2 November 1991)
Athanasios Axarlian, a student passer-by; killed by shrapnel during a rocket attack targeting the limousine of Finance Minister Ioannis Palaiokrassas. (14 July 1992)
Eleftherios Papadimitriou, New Democracy party deputy and MP, is shot in both legs. (21 December 1992)
Michael Vranopoulos, former governor of the National Bank of Greece. (24 January 1994)
Omer Haluk Sipahioglu, counselor of the Turkish Embassy in Athens. (4 July 1994)
Costis Peraticos, ship owner, owner of Eleusis Shipyards. (28 May 1997)
Stephen Saunders, military attaché of the British Embassy in Athens. (15 June 2000)
Evangelos Mallios, policeman who was accused of torturing political prisoners during the period of military junta. (14 December 1976)
Pantelis Petrou, deputy commander of the Greek police Riot Control Unit (M.A.T.) (16 January 1980)
Sotiris Stamoulis, driver of the above mentioned. (16 January 1980)
George Tsantes, a US Navy Captain, high level executive of JUSMAG (15 November 1983)
Nikos Veloutsos, driver of the above mentioned. (15 November 1983)
Robert Judd, Army Master Sergeant, Postal officer for JUSMAGG in Greece, wounded in an assassination attempt. (3 April 1984)
Christos Matis, police guard, killed in a bank robbery. (24 December 1984)
Nikos Momferatos, publisher of the “Apogevmatini” newspaper. (21 February 1985)
Georgios Roussetis, driver of above mentioned. (21 February 1985)
Nikolaos Georgakopoulos, riot policeman, killed in bus bombing. (26 November 1985)
Dimitrios Aggelopoulos, President of the board of Halyvourgiki S.A.. (8 April 1986)
Zacharias Kapsalakis, doctor and clinic owner, shot in the legs. (4 February 1987)
Alexander Athanasiadis, industrialist. (1 March 1988)
William Nordeen, a US Navy Captain, killed by a car bomb. (23 June 1988)
Constantinos Androulidakis, a public prosecutor, is shot in both legs and dies slowly of complications. (10 January 1989)
Panayiotis Tarasouleas, also a public prosecutor, is shot in both legs. (18 January 1989)
Giorgos Petsos, PASOK MP and Minister, is injured in his car by a car bomb. (8 May 1989)
Pavlos Bakoyannis, New Democracy MP (26 September 1989)
Ronald O. Stewart,a US Air Force Sergeant, killed by a bomb. (13 March 1991)
Deniz Bulukbasi,Turkish Chargé d’Affaires, is injured by a car bomb. (16 July 1991)
Çetin Görgü, Turkish Press attaché (7 October 1991)
Yiannis Varis, a police officer, is killed in a missile and hand grenade attack against a riot squad bus (2 November 1991)
Athanasios Axarlian, a student passer-by; killed by shrapnel during a rocket attack targeting the limousine of Finance Minister Ioannis Palaiokrassas. (14 July 1992)
Eleftherios Papadimitriou, New Democracy party deputy and MP, is shot in both legs. (21 December 1992)
Michael Vranopoulos, former governor of the National Bank of Greece. (24 January 1994)
Omer Haluk Sipahioglu, counselor of the Turkish Embassy in Athens. (4 July 1994)
Costis Peraticos, ship owner, owner of Eleusis Shipyards. (28 May 1997)
Stephen Saunders, military attaché of the British Embassy in Athens. (15 June 2000)
Ова група је ушла у све уџбенике за анти-терористичко деловање, по својој ефикасности и способности да опстане, упркос највећем “анти-терористичком лову” у историји Европе и Запада.
Један од разлога за њихов успех, поред фанатичне родољубиве посвећености, јесте и подршка од стране становништва, затвореност и лојалност у оквиру групе, коју је чинило пар десетина блиско повезаних рођака и пријатеља. Један члан групе је коментарисао њихов крај- као “замор материјала”…
“У лето 2000. британски војни аташе, генерал Стефен Саундерс убијен је у својим колима. Двојица мотоциклиста су му пришли са обе стране возила и отворили ватру из аутоматског оружја. Опет нико од чланова 17Н није идентификован, нити ухваћен. Ипак, била је то последња успешна мисија ове групе…”
A Policajac Vasulidis , ako se uopšte tako zove što je ubio onog srpskog maloletnika koji je upravo prispeo u Solun sa školskom ekskurzijom i koji je na sudu OSLOBOĐEN KAO NEVIN JER JE UBIO SRBINA A TO JE PO GRČKOM ZAKONU NE SAMO DOZVOLJENO NEGO I POŽELJNO, meni izgleda da je dete ubijeno da se srpskom narodu i srpskoj vlasti već jednom ukaže da nam GRCI NISU I NE MOGU BITI PRIJATELJI iako smo mi tvrdoglavo insistirali suprotno , što je njihovim VLASTNICIMA činilo velike neprijatnosti , I onda se neko setio spasonosne ideje "Ubićemo jedno srpsko dete i onda će naši zapadni prijatelji videti da nismo srpski prijatelji,
ОдговориИзбришиMolim te ne lupaj gluposti, sve bi bilo u redu da nisi napisao da je to "po zakonu dozvoljeno, i pozeljno".